01:20 Beth Steinberg; Shutaf Inclusion Programs

Beth Steinberg is the co-founder and director of Shutaf Inclusion Programs in Jerusalem, offering year-round, inclusive informal-education programs for children and young people with disabilities. At Shutaf day camps and afterschool programs, children and young people of all abilities and all cultural backgrounds, are welcomed and included. Beth teaches and writes about disability issues and the parenting experience and is also the artistic director of Theater in the Rough, creating new kinds of theatrical experiences in Jerusalem.

Learn more at http://theaterintherough.co.il

Hey all, Michael’s microphone was “wonky” he is not recording in a tin can. Sorry for the mistake we got it fixed for the next episode.

For more information on Youth Development Professionals go to our website at Youth Development Pro

Thanks to our friends at Expert On-Line Training for supporting our podcast. To find out more on EOT go to Expert On-Line Training

Al Ferreira, Michael Garcia & Beth Steinberg

Al Ferreira, Michael Garcia & Beth Steinberg


Disclaimer: All information shared is the opinion of our guests and hosts. This information shared is not legal advice, nor does it act as a substitute for keeping up with national standards, local health codes with your governmental regulations. Please act with an informed and current perspective.