01:32 Dave Morrone; Northeast Leaders School & Wang YMCA

Dave Morrone is the Associate Executive Director of the Wang YMCA of Chinatown and has been serving in the YMCA for 21 years. Most of my career has been dedicated to providing services to youth and teens. I've been with the YMCA Northeast Leaders School for 18 years in various roles, the past 4 years of which as the School's Director.  

“What we are finding and what we have found for years, I’m sure you guys will agree...as a society has put this hammer down on kids around education, get out of high school, go on to college, do your next thing... What we didn’t put enough emphasis into was kids’ emotional intelligence development.” Dave Morrone

To contact Dave reach out to him at the YMCA, www.ymcaboston.org

To find out about Northeast Leaders School, www.ymcanortheastleadersclub.org

For more information on Youth Development Professionals go to our website at Youth Development Pro

Al Ferreira, Michael Garcia & Dave Morrone

Al Ferreira, Michael Garcia & Dave Morrone


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